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Sunday, August 26, 2007

A shout out.. .& a funny dream

So, our good friend and worship leader, Gil, (who happens to be engaged to our good friend - Sid) is an amazing song writer. He's written several BEAUTIFUL worship songs & this happens to be one of my favorites.

The funny story behind it is... I've been having these horrible, crazy dreams - just like I did the whole time I was pregnant with Elias. Usually, Nick and I pray before I go to bed for my dreams so I don't wake up screaming. Last night, my dream was just WACKY. The whole family (Mom, Gib, Cara, Katie, Josh & the girls) and I were at a Christian theme park and were riding a Captain Hook ride - the only off thing was - Jesus was Captain Hook. Psycho, right? The whole time I was dreaming, however, we were singing this song and I woke up with it on my heart all day. Honestly - I'll take wacky and sweet over the ones I've had before.

Also - for some reason, Nick & Elias weren't there in my dream. For those of you that know Nick and his aversion to cheesiness you'll appreciate that when I told him about my dream he said, "I can think of several reasons why I wouldn't go to a Christian theme park, and several more why I wouldn't let Elias go!"

So anyhoo - here are the lyrics, enjoy.
Love Your Face gilgatch
Your beauty fills my sight
Your colors captivate seizing my eyes

Your hands shape and carve through the landscape
But you made me with You in mind

My heart longs to sing to you
My words look for meaning that's pleasing to you
This melody, this grateful reverie
Still falls short in thanking you

Our God is so wonderful
Our God is so great, His name
Is the hope that lights our way,
His Love is uncontained

I love your face from your smile favor falls down
You are, worthy of praise so boundless so great and so loud
I am amazed that you saved me, You saw something in me worth saving
Before I knew to choose you, you chose me and you ran to me

Everyday His Name Is the greatest Name
From age to age his
Thoughts are wonderous

His thoughts are wonderous
His ways are glorious
He dreams exquisite things
His power still reigns

I love your face from your smile favor falls down
You are, worthy of praise so boundless so great and so loud
I love your face from your smile favor falls down
You are, worthy of praise so boundless so great and so loud
I am amazed that you saved me, You saw something in me worth saving

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