... it was actually the sidewalk.
It's been a rough few days in the Connolly/Hogan household. Elias has his first big respiratory virus and has had a fever of 99/100 consistently for around three days. His doctor isn't worried, it's been going around - but tending to a feverish, teething, stuffed up 18 month old is pretty pitiful. On top of that, his crazy cold has made him a bit awkward in the feet and today he tumbled off one step too many - straight onto the parking lot gravel. It all happened before any of us could get to him & he unfortunately bit through his bottom lip. So now he is feverish, hoarse, drippy, & bloodied up. Poor guy.
As for his parents, we're a little bored since we can't leave the house due to his fever - and it is hot as all get out in Washington. I know it's hotter back in Charlotte, but the major difference is houses in the northwest don't have air conditioning! So tomorrow when it is 95, there will be no relief for us. Because Beulah has been a little ornery for Lauren this weekend, we've all been sitting on the couch in front of the fan - wishes we were somewhere with air conditioning, healthy kids, and well-behaved puppies.
Some pictures of our "sick day" for you, more on our picasa site. Enjoy!
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