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Sunday, July 27, 2008

tomorrow's day

4am When Glory likes to wake up.
7:00 Glory will probably be asleep, I will probably need to pee
8:00 Elias is up
8:00 - 9:00am shower, finish pack, breakfast, coffee coffee, short walk
10:00 coffee with Jamie & Paige
11:00 visiting Circa while Nick visits family
11:30-1:00 free 1.5 hour in Charlotte with two kids
1:00 lunch with Laura & Donald
2:00-4:00 free time
4:00 head to aiport. return car. take our caravan through security. thank God that the worst is over. seriously. one ginormous stroller and 8 shoes to take off.
6:00 eat at airport chili's - isn't that the best part of flying?
7:30 board plane with two kids.
9:00 45 minute layover - race across atlanta airport
9:45 board plane #2 with two kids.
midnight (3am EST) get off plane, hug lauren, calm freakishly disturbed sleepless kids
1 a.m. (4am EST) lay in bed and be thankful to be home all while missing vacation.

In case I don't blog for a few days while we catch up from tomorrow, this is what I imagine will take place. Maybe I can fit some funny stories in there for your amusement along the way.

1 comment:

inthemiddleoflife said...

loving you, missing you already, praying for your crazy day.
I'm in deep cleaning mode and wistfully erasing fingerprints on the glass door, rearranging toys that are the only noise in the house and folding baby blankets. ahhh:(
I'm praying for safe travel (of course), a whole row of seats, perfect connections in Atlanta and sleepy children.