(11:40am Glory just up from morning nap)
(11:45am Glory crawling practice)
(12:05pm Glory has crawled backwards & is stuck under bed)
(12:10pm Getting Elias up from 'rest' time where he reads in his crib)
(12:15pm Start of lunch time - fairly clean)
(12:18pm Glory in awe of Elias)
(12:23pm Elias feeding himself for the first time)
(12:45pm Glory after a fight with her yogurt)
(1:28pm Elias stair practice)
(2:05pm Glory naptime begins)
Okay so it isn't ALL day, but it's a start.
Love you Nonny!
ok, you had me at 11:40...
but thanks so much for doing this docudrama until we can get the webcams.
Love and hugs from Nonny---much happier now:)
okay, i officially need to come over...it's been way too long and Glory is huge. glad i found your blog again from my sister's :)
could your kids be any more smiley! "they get it from they mama"
soo glad you posted these for nonny because i truly enjoyed them! miss you guys and hope you are doing well.
Has Elias attempted to climb out of the crib? Is he a climber in general? Have you thought about when you'll have to move to a big boy bed? It's scary! And sad!
Does Peewee creep you out? I have no idea why I think he's loveable. really, NO IDEA. to me, Tom Cruise is much more scary than ole PW :)
Oh my goodness! Peewee IS really wearing devil horns!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I didn't see that until now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH again!!!!!!
nope, we're still here! our house didn't sell--we definately need to catch up!
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