A new favorite place of mine is etsy.com.
It's a really wonderfully set up website that allows merchants of hand-made goods to sell their stuff for a wonderful low price which allows them to keep their prices really inexpensive.
I love having handmade stuff for the kids, but just can't spend boutique prices. This necklace is my absolute favorite right now. I've looked for personalized mama tags for a long time and haven't found anything near reasonable. This is from the dealer "mamabethbling".
Here are a few other favorites:
cutey cute shoes
hand made hooter hider
purple pretty diaper bag
happy day before my love! i would give about anything to wake u up with some bday cake a sweet african american card and shower u with love all day tomorrow. u r w/o a doubt the coolest, wisest and most lovely 24 year old ever. actually thats not true your just the wisest, coolest loveliest person i know period. i love you, ps: expect this necklace to your hizza. love you! K
etsy.com is a favorite of mine too. I bought a necklace for my mom for christmas that was a small charm with my boys picture on it. She loved it. I could spend a fortune on that site.
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