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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

homesickness & belly aches.

I have a small complaint, an ache that's been growing over time. It's not a need, just a really intense want for some familiar rest. Vacation. With family. I miss my sisters something fierce, I want to play with my nieces and nephews, to talk with my parents in person,
and to rest.
To have help with my children and to be in the sort of company
that knows you only like family can.

It's not a major grief, a blessing that I can surely live without - but it's still leaving me with this pang in my chest that melts up into a lump in my throat and bursts strangely, moistly out of my eyes... leaving me surprised and sad.

And so, I cook.
I think about what I'd like to cook for my family when I eventually see them and this helps a lot. A childhood favorite from our family was definitely cinnamon rolls. You know, the delicious kind that you unroll out of cardboard and glob up with the premade package of icing. To tell you the truth, I actually wasn't a fan back then, I was more of a bagel girl myself (which is a favorite family joke), but nonetheless - baking these in a practice session will surely hold me off until I see my family.

These are from the lovely Pioneer Woman, the only difference I made was using whole wheat flour. If by happenstance you're allergic to dairy and on a no-gluten diet... here is my suggestion. Eat them anyhow. I'm not even joking. Wait till you're having a semi-rough day, skip lunch and eat two of these bad boys. Now, that is probably horrible nutritional advice - but good for the soul in my book.


Erin said...


i made these rolls at christmas with my mom. then shared the leftovers at a charlotte mama playdate. *lump*

Rachel said...

Amen sister, me too. I miss my momma.

I'm gonna make these. Maybe this weekend. And I'm not going to feel guilty about calories or do extra exercise to make up for it. Thanks for this.

Shauna said...

Love the nutritional advice. Very sound advice to me! Flavors like that will cure whatever ails you, at least for a moment or two.

Anonymous said...

that's some sweet photography. jessi, we actually have the OPPOSITE problem. i just can't disclose it in the semi-public domain...

thank you for your perspective.

love and e-hugs....jill in M.BEACH