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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guest post from Karissa. Sisters & Apologizing.

Blog world, I miss you. I hope you loved Casey's post yesterday and I know you'll love Karissa's today. Karissa is a future friend in the northeast and I can't wait to meet her and hang out with her. In the meantime, enjoy her sweet words about her sister.
Go check her out here.
Love ya'll, Jess

I would like to dedicate this to my sister, Andrea. 
In honor of your birthday, sweet sister. I love you dearly. 

This is a story about love. Two sisters. Seven years apart. This is not a story of us growing up. This is a story about today. Present day “us”. But really, it is about what I have learned from my sister.

When I think about who my closest friends are, she is #2. My husband being #1. When she and I both had babies this past year, just 3 months a part, we cried and our hearts ached, longing for the miles between us to close in so we could hold each others tiny freshly-born babes. New Hampshire to Georgia does not seem far on the phone. Oh, but when your life turns like giving birth. Those miles are l.o.n.g. 

They just found out that they are moving to Washington state. Those miles just got longer. We are talking a 3 hour time difference longer. An 8 hour plane ride longer. With babies.

This isn’t a story about where we live. This is a story about what I have learned from my “big” sister. (she is really a peanut though) This is a life lesson that I can’t pick up in a book or borrow for the day. You wouldn’t expect to learn this kind of lesson from a family member. Ha! Quite the opposite.
This is a story about apologizing. About forgiving.

I have learned how to apologize when I am wrong. How to apologize when I may have hurt someone. How to apologise when I don’t really want to.
I don’t always do it. But my sister is my role model. Over and over again, I have seen her do it in our relationship. This was not something regularly practiced in our home growing up. That is why she stands out so much to me. 

I have learned how to apologize from my own sister.
And when somebody says something stupid, or hurts our feelings. Over and over and over again. She doesn’t bring it up- “Remember when you did this...” “Last time....” It’s forgotten.

How refreshing it has been for my soul to confide in someone who doesn’t drag up crap from the past and smear it all over today. How healing it has been to my heart to hear the words “I’m sorry” even if it is over something silly. How good it has been for me to have a living, understanding example of what it looks like to apologize and forgive. And move on. 

Thank you Andrea. I don’t think I have ever told you how much your example of apologizing and forgiving has meant to me.

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