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Monday, April 11, 2011

a few days later

(if you're new here - a recap)
Gloriana, our 3 year old, heads to the hospital with seizures 
Glory's first day in the PICU 
we wait for MRI results & a thank you
hopeful news, prayer requests, MRI results
heading home 
the greatest anticlimactic day ever 

sweet family picnic this weekend

Well, it's been a few days. 
We're home from the hospital and we've STAYED home, praise God! 
Our girl hasn't had any other major seizures and we're trying hard, hard, hard to walk in freedom and praise and excitement over that fact. 

This is, of course, hard for certain members of the family. 
Namely the one who's name rhymes with "lommy" or "rommy" or "dommy". 
I'm thrilled Gloriana isn't seizing and terrified she's going to start in the next second. If it seems as simple as walking forward and praying/believing she's healed - you're probably right, that probably is simple. But it's also really hard for this mama. 

The image of finding her in the middle of her massive seizure is burned in my brain and I can't walk into her room without picturing it. The thought of the big seizures returning are looming, but what is really terrifying is the idea of the absence seizures, the tiny ones we might not really see but need to treat nonetheless. The kind that we believe she'd probably been having for weeks leading up to her major episode on Sunday. The kind that can EASILY be mistaken for very normal toddler behavior. Staring into space, losing train of thought, jerky movements, stuttering, erratic behavior, twitching, and hand fumbling. Hm. I'm pretty sure every three year old I've ever talked to has had all those symptoms. 

So here is my list of NON-SEIZURES that we've experience in the last few days. 
Each time these things have happened, SOMEONE (not naming anyone) may have over-reacted and assumed we needed to call 911. Without further ado... 

if your toddler does the following, it is not a seizure, you're overreacting list: 
- pooping
- watching tv
- rolling over
- snoring
- pulling grapes off the stem aggressively 
- growling at her brothers when they play "puppy"
- peeing
- listening to you as you talk
- chewing gum
- dancing
- did I mention pooping? It's really deceiving. 

I don't want to make light of my sweet lady's condition. She's been such a trooper and she is doing so, so, so well. I do want to make light of my own affliction. It's not so bad, we've been spared so much, and there is so much glory (for the Lord) to be gotten if I can only press forward with my hope in Christ alone. On that note, I leave you with this. Praying for whatever light and momentary afflictions you face that feel the opposite of that, that you'd look to the eternal and unseen hope we have in Jesus. Thank you so much for your prayers, keep praying for our girl and the crazy lady in the house who thinks each potty break necessitates an ER trip. 
Love ya'll. 

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.  For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 corinthians 4:16-18

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