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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1% change, live a little

A while ago, I picked up this sweet little book that is old and wonderful. 
It's called, "The Hidden Art of Homemaking", by Edith Schaeffer, and it's nothing that you'd expect. Get it amazon NOW, it's super cheap.

It was written in the 1971, and it's not just for stay at home moms, or moms, or married women. It's written for all women and it basically spells out the way the Lord is at work in all aspects of our life, and how as women, we're gifted to tap into some of those areas and really experience the fullness of His presence. 

a little crafting
Reading it for me took the idea of cooking, crafting, gardening, art, etc... from talents or gifts that I could either boast in or feel bad about, and turned them into these broad ideas of feminine creativity that the Lord could reveal Himself to me and to others in. Cooking became more about nourishing my family and less about getting it done. The idea of crafting had always been something in my mind that women used to hoard over one another, and now I saw it as a beautiful way to display the glory of God in my home. And gardening, well - I've never kept a plant alive and never planned to, and after reading the chapter on growing things in the ground, I longed to see dirt under my nails for the first time. 

the Connolly kids after a hard morning in the yard. 

So, my 1% change this week, is live a little. 
Grow something or make something. Some bread totally for scratch, some basil on your windowsill, a diy scarf or headband. Something. It will be good for your walk with Jesus to see Him grow something in you and by your hands, and it will be good for your health to simplify. 

I'm planting my own first little flower bed this week and beginning the transfer of my very-ignored-front-yard-that-could-double-for-a-landfill and hopefully by God's grace it will slowly start to look like a fun play-yard-for-kids-with-some-sweet-little-plants-growing. 

Here are my favorite quotes from the book, you should still buy it: 
(here she's talking about our homesickness from heaven and our longing to decorate)
"It is stupid to try and be 'hard', 'brave', or 'stoical' about that emotion called 'homesickness' or 'lostness'. A continuity which can help in the midst of tremendous upheavals in life is a continuity of things with which one is surrounded, even small things."

(thoughts on gardening) 
"A Christian individual or organization should not move into a property and turn it to shambles. The opposite should be true. It should grow and blossom into a place of beauty, demonstrating something of the wonder of the One who made plant life to produce seeds into the first place."

So, those are just my favorite two. 
I'm doing my best this week sister,
to live a little. 
Let the Lord grow some of His own glory through my hands, however unskilled they are. 
Amen and amen. 
What's yours? Link it up!

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