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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1% get raw, and a dangerously cute baby

You know what one of my healthiness-downfalls is? 
The afternoon slump. 
When I'm tired, I've been up since who-knows-how-long, I need to make dinner and live my second day (5pm-11pm is a whole nother beast), I don't crave carrots. I don't want freshly slice cucumbers or a quick stretch. I want a massive coffee, a snickers, and a magazine. 
But how would those things leave me feeling? Not so hot. 

Couple this problem with my brand spanking new food processor and library book mistaken checkout and you get today's one percent change! Last week I though I was getting a vegan recipe book, when I really grabbed a raw food recipe book and I was more than intrigued and kept reading. Enter mother's day gift of food processor and basically, my afternoons have taken a direct AND POSITIVE change. 

My 1% change for today, get a little raw. 
The research seems pretty misleading about whether or not a totally raw food diet is healthy for most people and let's be honest - that's no 1% change! That's like a 2,000% change. And probably one we shouldn't all be making. But what I've found is replacing some kind of yucky snacks with a some raw snacks boosts my energy, leaves me feeling MUCH better, and makes me feel like a pro in the kitchen (which is all a facade, it's just the food processor). 

I can tell you the benefits for me are just plain feeling better. The 4pm slump is nonexistent and I'm ready to live my second day full of husband hanging out with, exercise, blog writing, email answering, and laundry doing. 
And the kids, they're LOVING the raw. 

patience & focus. 

My tip for starting with raw snacks is just make some balls. 
Use any of these ingredients and food process (or blenderize) your own different combinations until you get a doughy-ish ball. Make many smaller balls and then either refrigerate them or freeze them until they form sweet little snacks. You can even coat them in coconut or flax seed or nuts to make them more beautiful! 
Some ingredient suggestions: almonds, walnuts, cashews, any favorite nut, coconut, flax, carob, carrots, ginger, dark chocolate, apricots, dates, raisins, etc! Go nuts! 

pensive & wary 
a fan of the energy balls! really, he ate like 3 and loved them!
Here is my favorite recipe so far. I like to eat one or two mid-morning INSTEAD of grazing my kid's lunches when I'm starving. Then I pop one or two in the afternoon while I'm cleaning & prepping dinner. And, if I'm feeling crazy, I'll munch another one after p90x time with the husband as I head to bed. Without further ado, 
my favorite energy ball
five or six carrots
few tablespoons of flax
tspoon of coconut
1/3 cup of almonds
1/3 cup of raisins 
3 dates
1/5 cup of cashews

It's like carrot cake, but not as delicious, and WAY better for you. 
How's that for honest:)?
And, to prove it, here is the most precious Benja I've ever seen. 
Right after I got done with my energy ball photography session, Benja climbed up to the table to partake. And you see the picky eating husband grabbing one too? Uh-huh. 
It's no carrot cake, but it will please the men in your life. 

I'm rambling and scrambling. Get me another energy ball, stat!
Link it up! I want to hear your 1% changes! 

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