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Monday, May 30, 2011


When you mix sun, sand, special occasion high fructose corn syrup, and the sweetest 2 year old boy on earth with friends and the greatest family a girl could ask for... you get:
(this weekend)  

OH! There was also a nine hour house painting session with the sweetest family and just-like-family on earth, but I'll tell you more about that later. Oh, and a trip to Charleston and back. But now it's Memorial day, my man is off work, and I'm going to soak up some hours with this sweet family. 
I hope you're doing the same. 

To celebrate Memorial Day, use coupon code SAVEMEMORIAL at my shop for 20% off on all orders. And if you're having a hard time picking, I HIGHLY suggest this new "kitchen set" or three prints to adorn your cooking area and your bless your heart. love ya'll. 

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