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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

free & sacred. the mhg.

Hi friends! I hope you're having a terrific Wednesday!
I'll tell you, we are having a DIFFERENT week. It's the first week o' preschool around here and I cannot WAIT to tell you all about it. 
You know, after I get done editing the 3,406 pictures I took of Glory & Elias on their first day of school. 

In the meantime, here is something ALL new for ya'll. I hope you'll love it, I'm super excited about it! I've had a few requests to do biblical-home-supply-ish-prints lately and I thought I'd go all out with it. Soooooo, I'm introducing a new MONTHLY HOME GOODNESS collection. (drumrolllllll)

Here's the deal. Every month, I'm going to pray about a theme and come up with a scripture print, a monthly calendar, and a weekly planning sheet all revolved around said theme. Also, for just fun, they'll all match. Every month, we'll offer the monthly home goodness as a printable set and ALSO as a bulk special order than you can purchase & we will print and ship to you directly. Here are the differences: 

printable set: You get all three files in a high res pdf file emailed to you after purchase. You save money. You get them almost instantly (within 24 hours). You can print as many as you like. cost: $7 plus no shipping. 

printed & shipped set: You don't have to worry about printing them yourself, and you get them printed in max dpi on my fancy paper with my fancy ink. You get a massive discount, basically three prints for little over the price of one. $15 plus shipping. 

Are you a little confused? 
Would an example help? 
Would a free example help more? 
I'm here to assist. 

I give you: The September Monthly Home Goodness Collection. 
sacred september. inspired by first peter two nine. 

aaaand, on my fridge:)

So, yeah. That's it! 
Every month will be new and fresh. Hopefully every month will be applicable & encouraging. 
Hopefully every month it will be a blessing to you & your home! 
The Monthly Home Goodness collections (printable & printed) are already in the shop! If you want to pre-purchase for October, go right ahead! If you want to purchase the printed set for September, I'll try to get them out ASAP since the month is already underway! But please oh please don't purchase the printable set for September, because I'm giving you that baby for FREE below:)

Here are the links to download the 
high res files for FREE this month only.
1 Peter Two Nine

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