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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

advent update

It's Tuesday night and I'm late (for me) working and tweeting and planning and packing. 
In 48 hours I'll be IN SEATTLE. 
I have missed my sweet girl friends something fierce since moving and I am so thankful for this time to go back and visit with them. 

But what do you know? That means I'll be away from my kiddos the first few days of advent. 
Well. Bummer. 
This is it! 
Our favorite time of year!
And mama is skipping town for a few days?!

But I'm going to use it to my advantage, (I hope), with lots of Daddy-centric activities that will make the kiddos really excited for Advent and the season that is ahead. 
And I thought as we go through the season, I'd share little bits and pieces of what we're up to, in the hopes that ya'll will share too! 

- Today I am finally putting up our advent calendar. I put it up for Etsy pics and took it back down the same night. But now it goes up for good. 
- Wednesday night before we get started, we'll have a quick family Bible time and refresh the kids on what Advent means. Nick is preparing one or two quick devotion times for us based off this material. Hm..... I smell a guest post. 
- Thursday morning we'll kick off Advent with a bang by a Daddy/donut/before school trip! Now one thing we don't do, is we don't tell the kids what the Advent activity is before the actual day (if we can help it) and here is why: if I told Elias & Glory that their Dad was taking them for donuts before school - they'd be up at 3:45am. True story
- Friday morning, we've bought special cards for the kids since I'll be away from them the whole day, Nick most of the day, and.... because these kids LOVE cards. 
- Saturday is bake cookies with Daddy day. (reminder: buy more chocolate chips before I leave)
- Sunday is "take Daddy to Starbucks on the way to church" day. 
Advent activities can be practical too, you know. 
- Monday is a Christmas movie after dinner. 
- and Tuesday, no matter if I'm dog tired from my red-eye, is
I cannot wait. 

I want to share one more thing. 
I don't blog about my kids a whole bunch, mostly for their protection, but also - because parenting is one of the biggest challenges in my life. 
But this year has been so incredibly precious to see our kiddos wrap their minds around the gospel the best they can. To hear them talk about the concept of having Jesus give them new hearts and even to hear that they know they don't yet have those hearts. 
And honestly, it makes the whole idea of Advent that much more special. 
Not just to do a bunch of fun things to celebrate Christmas, but to take a few minutes out of each day to say to them again - 
This Jesus is worth celebrating. 
This Jesus is worth mixing it all up for. 
This Jesus came for you. And for me. 
And that's good news. 

I hope that is shifting something in all of our hearts today. 
Happy almost Advent friends! 

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