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Thursday, December 15, 2011

truthcards: what EVERY family needs.

Having sponsors on my blog is a huge blessing. 
Having sponsors on my blog whose product I REALLY believe in is a blessing times a million. 
Enter - Truthcards. 

Jenna is a super precious friend that I met through my sister. 
She loves Jesus, she is a fellow three under three mama, and her and her husband have started an amazing business in Truthcards. Truthcards are essentially really effective, really cute scripture memory cards for kids. Ours are ESSENTIAL in our home. We'd taught our kids some scripture, but being able to use truthcards has taken the idea of our kids hiding God's word in their hearts to a whole other level. 
We are so thankful for Truthcards and I think you will be too!

I asked Jenna to answer a few questions, enjoy!

What led you guys to start selling Truthcards? 
A little over two years ago, shortly after our second daughter was born, the Lord gave me some divine inspiration during a late night feeding. At the time, we were teaching our first daughter words and the Lord impressed upon me that, instead of just saying the sheep says ‘bahhh,’ we should say ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,’ using every opportunity to speak His Word over her. Then, He began to show me a series of verses that would go well along with pictures. Thus, the vision was born. I handmade a few sets for family a close friends for Christmas. At the time, the oldest child in our extended family was two and a half and he began to memorize verses like crazy. The word got out, people saw (and wanted) their own sets of cards and, after seeking Him for several months, I realized that the Lord wanted me to pursue the venture of creating a printed set of Truthcards.

Can you tell us a cool story of how you've seen Truthcards used?
One of my favorite things is hearing stories of how Truthcards are being used – in homes, hospitals, classrooms, cars, etc. There is just something so sweet about little mouths speaking the word of God! One story in particular comes to mind. A close friend had just found out that her grandmother had been hospitalized for major health issues. Her daughter came downstairs and wondered why her mommy was crying. Then she handed her a phone and said, “Mommy, just call upon the Lord in your distress and He will answer you.” The Word of the Lord spoken through her daughter instantly lifted her spirits.

What is YOUR favorite verse right now? 
My favorite verse for encouragement right now is “I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19) Going into a new year, our church always does a 21 day fast and I am believing that it is going to be a time for strongholds to be broken, people to be healed and life to be restored. For desperate situations, that verse speaks such hope. Even when it seems impossible, the Lord can always make a way.

and now through next Wednesday - you can get an amazing stocking stuffer deal on the Truthcards site! A set of truthcards at 10% off WITH priority shipping so you can get them in time for Christmas. I promise you, all families with kiddos that you know would LOVE this gift. 
Thank you so much for the great deal, Jenna!
Enjoy ladies! 

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