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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a genuine story

the story behind this picture is yesterday at restime, we had a fire going and the kids were all bundled up and I felt like my heart was going to explode with gratefulness & praise. 
I've had this idea in my head, as I'm praying about writing and blogging 
and blogging and writing and praying. 
A genuine story. 
That's what I want to tell. 
But you know what, 
telling a genuine story and 
keeping a guarded life have to have a meeting point, right? 

the story behind this picture is that my husband looked so handsome in this hat, I asked if I could take his picture
So here is a beginning of a story. 
We're leaving today on a road trip. 
11.5 hours one way. 
3 kids under five. 
2 parents. 
One big God. 
Going to meet some sweet friends
and experience some Gospel Community. 

the story behind this picture is I bought this chair for $14 at Goodwill and it brought lots o' joy.
And I'm gonna be praying about that. 
A genuine story. 

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