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Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm here this morning: 
- On my laptop, printing prints, processing orders, drinking coffee. 
- In this beautiful temporary space, at our precious friends house, as we wait for the Lord to point us to our "permanent" Fort Wayne spot. 
- Excited and hopeful and excited (againabout all that the Lord is doing. 
- Tired and a little grumpy from a health/weight loss cleanse we're doing. but please don't try to talk me out if it. I'm looking at you, mom. 
- Realizing that as I pour out the sacrifice of my life on God's altar, His Spirit pours into me. 
- Dreaming of all sorts of businessy things - new printer, new products, and asking the Lord to stretch me as this family business grows. 
- Remembering how much I love creating and all at once, itching to be done with my "work time" so I can grab my kids and bear hug them and ask the Lord to work through me as I love them. 

Where are you? 
What's going on with you?
I want to hear. 
(you know, when I'm done with the bear hugs)

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