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Friday, June 1, 2012

She Reads Truth.

She is a child of God. 

She is loved fiercely by Him.

He desperately longs for her to seek after Him...

...His truth. 
...His character. 
...His love. 

She is created.

She is broken,

yet She is beautiful: a masterpiece and something He is proud of.  Oh, so very proud of. 

She is longing for His joy.  She is longing for His presence in her life, daily. 

But that's the thing: He's there.  He's patiently waiting. 

For her to put down the distraction.  For her to focus on Him. 

...Make Him a priority. 

She is a friend. 

She longs for community. 

A community that encourages, uplifts, and speaks truth into each other's lives. 

This story is your story.  It is our story.  It is the story of #SheReadsTruth

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In short - #SheReadsTruth is an invitation to come spend time with your Father and share the insights with women online. Or just come and be encouraged and spurred on by other women seeking Him.

It might seem easy to look at this new #SheReadsTruth community and say "coincidence" or "happy accident," but we know those words don't exist in our Father's vocabulary.  Well, they do, but you get the idea. 

We've created this website because of the outpouring of women saying 
"Yes! I want to be a part of this community! I want His truth to be a priority!" 

We want to help facilitate that somehow.  

We don't want to draw attention to ourselves, because we are not #SheReadsTruth.

You are. 

Yes, you.  and we are so honored to be reading His truth with you daily. 

Connect.  Be challenged. Inspire. 

this time?  We're doing it together. 

I am overjoyed, overjoyed to be teaming up with KaciaMaggie, and Raechel to bring you the She Reads Truth website. 
I've never seen a group of women come around an idea and build a community so quickly. See below for more info and be sure to check the website out today. 

She Reads Truth is really the heartbeat of why I love the internet. The internet can be yucky and life sucking and defeating and comparing. Or it can be this. 

You don't have time to check in with 500 of your best friends to make sure they're having time with the Lord, but you can super quickly sign on, feel spurred to be in God's word, see quickly what other women are gleaning - and go on with your day. 
Come on and read some truth with us. 

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