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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

what she said

some of my favorite quotes from the sessions I got to catch. audio of all Influence Conference sessions will be available for purchase asap. 

I'd given Him part of my heart, but He's a jealous God. He wanted all of it. - Sarah Matheny

Anyone who hangs out with you, anyone who reads your blog, knows what you treasure. - Jami Nato

Being small and weak isn't a flaw. It's a prerequisite to being an artist. It's a prerequisite to being used by God. - Emily Freeman

What could be more dangerous to the enemy of our hearts than women with hearts that are fully awake? - Emily Freeman

Tears are tiny messengers sent to make you realize what makes you come alive. - Emily Freeman

It's ok to call yourself a businesswoman. - Hayley Morgan

Sometimes you have to buy the whole cow. - Hayley Morgan

If you're an actual famous blogger, don't forget you're JUST an actual famous BLOGGER. - Hayley Morgan

We think of the gospel only as an entry point. - Jami Nato

If 12 followers is my influence, then that is my influence. - Casey Wiegand 

Maybe we should stop trying to squeeze Jesus into our blog/business and start MAKING Him our business. - Sarah Matheny

I live for Him or I do not live. I blog from Him or I don't blog anymore. - Sarah Matheny

Explore your baggage! Deal with it instead of walking around with it. - Anne Bogel

Your readers matters...even the ones that disagree with you. - Nish Weiseth

Your influence is a stewardship – carry it well. - John Saddington

You need goals, but more than that you need specific goals. - John Saddington

1 comment:

Alesha said...

So so good! I can't wait for the audio to be out! =)
Alesha <3