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Thursday, December 27, 2012

it's coming.

I don't think I've been so excited for a month in so long. 
January 2013 is chock full of things my heart cannot wait to dig into. 

A) Baby4 is COMING. I can barely think about it for 10 seconds without tearing up or giggling in excitement. 
B) My old man is getting older and my oldest babe is getting older too. Two men I sure do love and cannot wait to celebrate. 
C) The Influence Network is launching! We're in the final days of preparing the site, working with our amazing team, and making sure that we're building a ministry that will truly help make your online life mean something. 
D) I've gotten most of my blog written for January and I'm devoting what is left in that space to pray through and work through Be Quiet and Say Something. I'm not sure what else the Lord has for that set of words or for me in it, but there will be some revisiting for sure. 

All that being said, I'd love to have you around as a reader and if you have a blog + small business to promote - this is a great month to jump in. We have a few sponsors already lined up, but we may take on a few extra since this is such a HUGE month. 
Hope your January is looking bright + full!

1 comment:

Jodene said...

Very excited to learn about the Influence Network and Be Quiet and Say Something. I look forward to learning more in 2013. Have an amazing January and congrats on your new addition to your family.