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Friday, January 4, 2013

life + rest

If you’ve read my blog at all this past year, you may have noticed a little theme.
I don’t do so good with the rest and the boundary setting. It was absolutely not a strong suit of mine in 2012 and our family started to make some huge sweeping changes for our ministry life, our family life, and our business life so that we have more appropriate rhythms in our life during the end of the year. 

The idea of rhythms are super important to us and are key to managing our little world. When do we work, how do we work? When do we do community and how does that fit best with our family? What daily, weekly, monthly rhythms do our kids need for stability and what do we really NEED to rest? How does that work best for us?

One of my favorite parts of the Influence Network is our online classes that we are able to offer. They’re super cheap - $10 and really easy to attend online. We actually are using the same online class hosting software that my kindergartner users for his online homeschool – so I can guarantee it’s really user friendly. You don’t even have to be a member of the network to attend the class!

I’m super excited that I’ll be hosting our first online class, next Thursday the 10th – on Rhythms of Life & Rest. I worked through the curriculum with my blog/shop mentorship group back in the fall and I think it was super beneficial for all of us – including ME. The class will be online next Thursday and will be one hour long. There will be 30 minutes of teaching with some downloadable material and then some time for Q&A. It is absolutely not just for bloggers and shop owners, but all women, in all walks of life.

I would love, love, love to have everyone there but we’re having to cut each class off at 50 people and when it’s sold out, it’s sold out – so grab a seat by heading over to the Influence Network class schedule ASAP. I’ll be teaching at least one class a month with the network, but this one may not come up again for several months – so join us if you can!

Hope to see you there! 

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