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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

#whole ladies - grace in the middle.

So, my safe spot confession? 
I can't do #whole30 all the way and that bums me out. 
And in general, I'm realizing that days and maybe whole seasons feel wasted to me when I can't do them "all the way". And that is a lie that needs to go away. 
More in here: 

So, my plan? 
Keep talking to the Lord about the lies I'm hearing about my body and my life and combatting them with scripture. 
Current lie I'm believing: Because I'm not back to my prebaby weight, each day feels a little wasted. I shouldn't bother getting dressed or living full out because I'm not at my best. 
Truth: I'm a child of God today. I'm His daughter today. I'm a part of the people of His own possession today. He has a plan for me today. There is grace in the middle of a process, and that's good. 

My strategic plan to keep continuing on in my #wholeladies endeavor? 
Stop believing it has to be all or nothing with weight loss. 
Start ENJOYING the process. 
For me, this means - I'll start tweeting/instagramming again without shame that I'm not all the way #whole30, I'll probably start leisurely reading some of my favorite healthy eating + fitness  blogs more. I'll probably pick up a few books from the library. 
And I'll report back next week what has been working:) 

How about you? What's happening with you? 
I'm headed to go check on Ellen and see how she is doing. 
Grateful for you, #wholeladies! 

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