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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

refresh day three | do your hairs

Alright ladies! It's day three! 
If you need a refresher - The Tiny Twig and I are doing a little one week experiment because we ourselves are desperate for refreshment and we wonder if some of y'all are too. 
On Monday, we started with our hearts
On Tuesday, we talked about simple everyday makeup for real ladies
Today, we're moving on up to our hair. 
And ladies, I got a lotta hair. 

For me, my hair is just like my makeup. When I'm feeling busted and tired and sad, it stays underneath a hat or thrown up in a bun. And how many of you have done the post-baby-hair-cut-freakout? You're desperate for change and feeling fresh and you'll do anything to feel better so you cut it all off or dye it the opposite color? Well, I've done that and I'm trying to avoid the freak-out by making some subtle refreshments this time. 

We worked with a wonderful stylist, Meg, who showed us each some simple little things that we could do on our own to freshen up our hairstyles. Lindsey joined us too and we had a grand old time! I will be honest, I've never been a top knot girl. I know they're all the rage, but I've thought it looked silly on me. The gals convinced me otherwise and I was able to master it with a fussy baby strapped to me. SUCCESS! 

But here's the deal, you can't always do a top knot, right? 

And you can't ALWAYS have done hair. Well, I can't. Internet meetings + homeschooling + running errands + exercising don't lend itself to perfect messy curls every day. So in addition to the the messy top knot, I'm pulling these three goodies out for refreshment this spring and summer. 

- Long braids. I know I'm creeping on 30 with 4 kids, not 8 years old. 
The braids work for me and they're here to stay. 
- Messy half up. I like to twist the two front pieces and fasten them behind my head. 
- Lastly, a straw fedora works wonders. 
I actually keep mine on my wall like art so I can grab it quickly on my way out the door. I can have three day dirty hair with sweet loose curls and no one knows because I'm rocking the hat! Woohoo! 

We so hope y'all are enjoying these refresh days. Yesterday someone in the comments said the posts felt like a gentle, "you got this girl" and that is EXACTLY how we want it to feel. This is a very honest experiment for me. If I got real quiet with you over coffee, I'd tell you (with some tears) I'm desperate for some old-Jessi back.
No! I'm desperate for some NEW JESSI. A new fresh Jessi. 
Not better, just refreshed. 

How about you? What's going on with your hair? 
How's your heart feeling? 
Are you feeling more fresh yet? :) 

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