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Friday, May 31, 2013

sweet refresh RELEASED!

Today is a day I'm really excited to share with y'all. 
I mentioned yesterday that when Hayley and I started writing The Refresh Book, it was kind of just a good idea. Hey! Let's turn this into an eBook kind of thing. 

Truth be told, I've got no business writing or launching an eBook this week. We're about to move and plant a church and I've got a baby who doesn't sleep through the night. My life isn't conducive to 2am writing sessions, but this book was SO worth it. 

We start at the heart, our stories and why we're so desperate for refreshment. We move on to repentance and weave our way through the rest of our worlds - from our hair to our homes to our friendships. 

It's a community book. It's written in community and meant to be read in community. Read it with some friends, or read it with us and experiment along side of us. We'd love to have you along for the ride and we'd be so honored if you'd share it with your people. 

In fact! If you head over to, you can trade a tweet for a sample chapter or you can just go ahead and buy it since it's only $4.99:) 

AND on top of that, Hayley and I love this book so much that we decided for anyone who buys The Refresh Book THIS weekend (5/31-6/2) and shares about it on some form of social media, you get The No Brainer Wardrobe and Be Quiet and Say Something (our other ebooks) for FREE.  Just buy the book, tell your friends, and let us know in the comment section of my blog or Hayley's that you did and we'll send you the other two eBooks!

We pray you are blessed, entertained, + inspired by this book and of course - REFRESHED. 

*** We'll email out all of the free eBooks by Tuesday night**

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