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Friday, October 11, 2013

Let's dream for a minute.

What if we were weren't known as a generation asserting our independence, but we were known as the people who found freedom in declaring their dependence on the Lord? 

What if we were able to remember, collectively, that perfect love casts out fear? And that while humans fear one another, God doesn't fear us or how we're going to screw it all up. 

What if we threw off, piece by piece and bit by bit, the lies that we have spoken as women to one another and ourselves about our place in culture and our place in His Kingdom? 

What if we stood together and applied truth, straight from His wild and wonderful Word, to one another in attempt to bring healing and restoration to the women around us? 

What if things got better? If we became more overwhelmed by the power of God within His church, within us as His daughters, than we are with our own power and productivity? What if we linked arms in His name to do Isaiah 61 type ministry in our homes, in our neighborhood, in our nation, in this world? 

What if we shook our heads hard enough to get out of laptop living and were wild and free this weekend? What does that even mean for you and I? 

Can this be a safe place? Can we talk about it? 
Can we dream for a minute? 

I'm blogging for 31 days through a Wild and Free Intensive. 

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