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Monday, November 4, 2013

November || Grace & Goals

Two weeks ago today, I was sitting in a room excited/scared/nervous/elated to be at Making Things Happen - a two day life + business intensive hosted by Lara Casey, Emily Ley, and Gina Zeidler. It was incredibly life giving and shifting and I can't wait to share more about it in the weeks to come, but today I just want to take a quick action step in sharing my goals for November. I've always been a planner and a goal setter, but I think I've been pretty stinky at setting actionable and measurable ones - things I can actually control and then check the progress of. 

Today I'm linking up with Hayley to share my November goals and I'm also going a step further to list some evidences of God's grace I'm thankful for. I think both will beneficial to see at the end of the month. Want to join me? 

November Goals 
1. Start a list of my people's love languages w/ ideas of how to tangibly love them. 
My people = husband, kids, family, Gospel Community team, neighbors, Influence team 
2. Finish Book Proposal! 
3. Dive into half marathon training. 
4. Implement cleaning schedule. 
My sweet husband may or may not have said "I wish we enjoyed house cleaning strategy as much as we do small business strategy." 
5. Make 10 new Naptime Diaries prints + our holiday gift guide. 
6. Eat clean & vegan till Thanksgiving. 
7. Start Gospel Community website building. 
8. Set aside Tuesday nights aside for girl's nights. 
9. Cultivate gratefulness in our home. 
10. Finish reading Love Does & Girls With Swords. 

Evidence of God's Grace I'm thankful for:
- November in Charleston. Seriously. It's chilly enough that we can sit around the bonfire in our driveway but we can also run on the beach with our kids. 
- Our neighbors and neighbor's kids. 
God has truly blessed us with some precious new friends that we're loving getting to know.  
- Pinterest On the weekends, I got social-media free, but I don't count pinterest. I had all kinds of fun on pinterest this weekend, and even organized my boards. My kitchen cupboards? Look like junk. My pinterest boards? Ahhhhhh. So tidy. 
- My mama coming and scooping me one day last week for lunch. 
- Our amazing assistant Jacey
- Our new roommate, Brittany. Britt moved in our extra room and is here to stay indefinitely and I could not be more happy, Nick either. She hangs out with me, helps make dinner, and Nick and I swear that our house smells a hundred times better. She smells nice. 

How about you? 
Goals? Grace? Let's start November intentionally with our plans & praise.  


Also, I am  SUPER excited about this!
The eBook Hayley and I cowrote, The Refresh Book, is included in this amazing healthy living bundle! You can get 86 eBooks from over 100 authors for $29.97. I've spent the past few days scanning a few of the books and I cannot wait to dig in to all of them. 
Go grab your bundle and enjoy! 

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