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Thursday, November 7, 2013

the thick of it.

In the thick of it. 
The phrase keeps coming back to me over and over again. 
In the morning, I feel the shiny hope of that top picture. I can be the carefree mom, the playful wife, the encouragement speaker, and the devoted daughter of the Most High. 
It's all light and life and glitter at 6am. 

But by ten a.m., I am weighed down and discouraged and wondering 
what about me?
where did the glitter go?
why does it smell like poop in here? 

The beginning is sometimes fancy and when we work real hard at the end, we can see the good and the purpose and the glory. 
But the grace is in the thick of it. 
God's presence is in the thick of it. 
The good stuff is in the thick of it. 
So it's ok to be there today. 

Me? Today? 
I am in the thick of it with mothering and church planting and relationships and in all honesty, a house that desperately needs cleaning. 
What about you? What are you in the thick of today? 

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