Last month, I blogged my November goals for some accountability and inspiration and man oh man, am I glad I did. Because it helped motivate me and I did it all so well? No. Because now I have public record that I don't have it all together and I've learned something huge about goal setting. Here's a quick recap of my November goals with a check in on each one.
1. Start a list of my people's love languages w/ ideas of how to tangibly love them.
My people = husband, kids, family, Gospel Community team, neighbors, Influence team
This one I did! I started. I didn't finish. But I did start the list. 2. Finish Book Proposal!
Well. No. Hayley and I haven't finished our book proposal.
But we are DANGEROUSLY close. 3. Dive into half marathon training.
The half marathon I was training for? I realized it's the day before our church plant is set to have our first service. This felt like crazy town. So I quit training for the marathon and subsequently quit running. Womp.4. Implement cleaning schedule.
My sweet husband may or may not have said "I wish we enjoyed house cleaning strategy as much as we do small business strategy."
My sweet husband may or may not have said "I wish we enjoyed house cleaning strategy as much as we do small business strategy."
I feel like I'm close here. I'm closer to having a consistently cleanER house and I'm also learning to expect less from myself when I have 4 kids and community constantly in & out. 5. Make 10 new Naptime Diaries prints + our holiday gift guide.
I DID do this! 6. Eat clean & vegan till Thanksgiving.
No. No. I didn't do this. Not in the slightest. I did JUST start the Advocare 10 day cleanse though and I feel like this is a great start in the right direction. 7. Start Gospel Community website building.
Started it and will finish it this weekend! 8. Set aside Tuesday nights aside for girl's nights.
I did do this, every Tuesday except the one before Thanksgiving. 9. Cultivate gratefulness in our home.
This was not the best goal since it wasn't totally measurable, but I do feel a palpable shift in our home and I am for sure way more aware about how we're expressing our thanks & praise. 10. Finish reading Love Does & Girls With Swords.
Nope. I let someone borrow Girls With Swords & I'm still halfway through Love Does.
I would not say this was a crazy amazing month of making my goals happen, but in general, I am so glad for what I learned. I'm adopting two new practices in my goal setting and they might seem like they're a little crazy, but I think beginning backwards is going to help me a bit. Here's what they are:
1. I'm going to make a list of the things I WON'T DO. And I'm going to try hard to stick to that. Things that I might feel tempted to pick up or put on myself that I need not.
2. My friend Zoe told me the other day that each day she makes a list everyday, but it's not JUST a list of what she has to get done, it's a list of what she did. She said that most days she felt like she was never getting her to-do list done, but it was because a new list always cropped up organically. When she started jotting down the things she did, she realized how successful her days actually were. So I'm going to try that to fight off the wompy feelings of "what did I do today/this week/this month?".
And for reference, here's a few things I WON'T be doing this month.
1. I will not search pinterest for "creative gift wrap" and feel less than because my wrapping paper isn't hand-painted or adorned with gold foil. It's going to be target and maybe some ribbon.
2. I'm NOT going to do a girls nights for the month of December with our church gals. I think our family needs a little respite to celebrate advent & I think this will also help us do more community activities to meet our neighbors.
3. I'm not going to work from 3-7pm at all. No checking email, no business texting, no instagramming, no checking on a quick order.
I'll let you know how my beginning backwards goes!
What about y'all? What are you NOT going to do in December? I'd love to hear!
Today's twelve days deal? A copy of Love Does by Bob Goff! You have to spend over $30 in our shop to be entered to win and we'll announce the winner on the blog tomorrow! Yesterday's winner was Hunter H - congrats on winning an 11x14 of your choice!
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