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Monday, October 8, 2007

sun stand still

So on Saturday, Kal was watching a sermon by Steven Furtick at elevation on our computer and I was sort of half listening. He was talking about when Joshua asked God to make the sun stand still in the Old Testament - what an audacious prayer that was & how we pray wimpy prayers that give God an out if we think He isn't strong enough. So...

Elias has been sick for about a week and while he still has a generally good temperament - his sleeping is really ridiculous when he's sick. He usually wakes up at around 8am, but when he's sick it's 4:30 for a bottle and consoling, no matter how long we let him cry it out. Last night, thinking about Pastor Furtick's challenge to his congregation - I prayed that Elias would sleep until 8am this morning, but honestly - expected little from it.

When I got in bed last night and told Nick, I also told him about how I felt the Spirit prodding me to pray something outrageous for our house situation. For the past few days I've been thinking.... full asking price by the 15th. And so that is going to be my new prayer for us. An offer of full asking price by October 15th. It's been on the market since the beginning of July and our realtor expected it to be only a few days.... three months later, we're tired of cleaning everyday and we need some direction from the Lord about where to go next.

This morning - Nick had to go wake Elias up at 8am because he was still asleep. I don't just trust that God will work something out with the house because He helped E sleep longer, but I am starting to see that He is calling us to a place of deeper faith and trust.

So pray with me if you will! Let's get excited to see what's in store!