First of all - a big thank you to all of our friends and family. Y'all have been so encouraging and uplifting in your prayers and support! We've truly felt your prayers in the peace Christ has given us and we just can't believe how much you've all gotten your hearts wrapped up in Glory's well-being.
Second - after what felt like forever, our high-risk doctor called us this afternoon and let us know that initially our preliminary results looked good -they showed no sign of Trisomy 18. HOWEVER, they were contaminated because some of my blood leaked into the specimen and so the results weren't conclusive. The results could be totally correct but their have been cases where people received a negative Trisomy result only to find out their baby truly had Trisomy, the result was just contaminated with blood.
So... we're of course just pretty disappointed and frustrated and confused but we're going on with life. We leave tomorrow for our first vacation ever away from Elias, going all the way to Seattle. When we come back, life is going to keep rolling and trucking and hopefully in two weeks - we'll know what's up.
Second - after what felt like forever, our high-risk doctor called us this afternoon and let us know that initially our preliminary results looked good -they showed no sign of Trisomy 18. HOWEVER, they were contaminated because some of my blood leaked into the specimen and so the results weren't conclusive. The results could be totally correct but their have been cases where people received a negative Trisomy result only to find out their baby truly had Trisomy, the result was just contaminated with blood.
So... we're of course just pretty disappointed and frustrated and confused but we're going on with life. We leave tomorrow for our first vacation ever away from Elias, going all the way to Seattle. When we come back, life is going to keep rolling and trucking and hopefully in two weeks - we'll know what's up.
If any of you want any more info - please go to www.trisomy18.org. It is an amazing website with family stories, support for family & friends, and lots of pictures of these beautiful babies. If anything, the Lord has really given me a heart for these sweet babes. We really know in two weeks - we aren't receiving good or bad news - we would love a healthy Glory and we would know it's a huge privelage to have a fragile Glory to take care of as long as the Lord sees fit.
On that note - I'm going to leave you all with a picture of the sweetest puppy dog you've ever seen. We'll of course keep everyone updated and again - we can't thank you all enough for your prayers. The Lord has already done a lot of beautiful things through this situation but most importantly - I think I've snuck the name Glory into the official name spot. I was sure our sweet girl would be called Gloriana (Glory) Eloise Connolly and Nick couldn't really give me a thumbs-up. But thanks to you all calling her that and God's Glory being so amazingly displayed in her life - it's here to stay. Love you all!
On that note - I'm going to leave you all with a picture of the sweetest puppy dog you've ever seen. We'll of course keep everyone updated and again - we can't thank you all enough for your prayers. The Lord has already done a lot of beautiful things through this situation but most importantly - I think I've snuck the name Glory into the official name spot. I was sure our sweet girl would be called Gloriana (Glory) Eloise Connolly and Nick couldn't really give me a thumbs-up. But thanks to you all calling her that and God's Glory being so amazingly displayed in her life - it's here to stay. Love you all!
Jess and Nickerbocker - thanks for the update. Have been thinking about and praying for you all day. I kept calling kelly and saying "any news?". I too have been burdened by that trisomy18.org website... I first found it a few years ago when another friend went through a similar process (but eventually was negative on t18). The 99balloons one is incredible. love you guys.
"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
I love you and HE really does make all things Glorious. I am blessed by your faith, peace and testmony!Ruby
AAaahh, Jesse-we love you and the little one in your womb. You've had me thinking about this all day, and I have been on the net like mad researching this-you are so right when you say these babies are just precious and beautiful. Keep on keepin' on-God is bigger than all of this and we are cheering for Glory all the way. :)
I posted a comment but then deleted it cause I spelled a word horribly wrong, then I got on a conference call and had to go to lunch, but what I said was...
I love you and I am praying for you and Nick fervently. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed time and I will see you when you get back<3333
I just love reading you and K-Dub's Blogs. I love your hearts!
I have just been updated on what is going on with you and your family and I will have you in my prayers.
BTW- you will LOVE Seattle! I told Katie our friends just came here to visit from there. Ive been 3 times and it's a neat city.
Hope you dont mind me commenting on your Blog. Amanda
I forgot to say how much I love Glory. The whole time Im reading thinking how perfect that is and now you are keeping it.
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