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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Unexpected Blessings

Yesterday afternoon we recieved about 15 boxes of wrapped Christmas gifts for Glory & Elias - from a random construction company that supports New Beginnings. Not only had they taken the time to find out the ages and names, but they had individually wrapped all the gifts. There are also several gifts for each of the three girls who will be here by the end of next week from the same company.

Debi & Miles, who run New Beginnings, also run a foodbank. Our fridge is so stocked with the most fresh and delicious meats and veggies you've ever seen. That combined with my husband's culinary skill is providing for delicious and healthy eating in 2008. Praise God.

Suprisingly, Elias is still transitioning so well to his new life. Today he was playing nicely while we did some stuff around the house & Nick and I caught him climbing on top of one his toy boxes. He had reached around the top of it and pulled himself up - with all his strength and might. We're proud of him for growing so well and getting so strong - but freaked out that he can do things like that.


Last but not least - we got our first piece of exciting mail today. We were eating lunch and saw the mail-woman pull up and one of Debi & Miles' twin boys ran in with a package! It was Beth Moore's new bible study - 90 Days with Jesus, from my mom! I'm so excited to dig in - especially because her and my sister are doing it right now! God is good. Period.