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Thursday, April 17, 2008

ha ha ha haha ha....

I am thoroughly pleased with myself. Our assistant anf good friend, Lauren, has a small problem keeping up with her cell phone. She had recently lost it for a matter of weeks & it was quite frustrating to not be able to reach her. Just yesterday she got a new one in the mail and we all breathed a massive sigh of relief.

Imagine my surprise when today I found she had gone out for an errand and LEFT IT HERE. We were all amused watching Lauren scurry around the house completing the scavenger hunt I set up for her to find her phone. Teeeee heeeee.


Josh Walters said...

u r cute and speaking from people who always have trouble keeping up with their stuff...thats not funny, stop it, stop it and dont do it again:) jk

Josh Walters said...

opps thats josh's new blog we just set up tonight but not his coment it was katie's just an fyi- he actually always keeps up with his stuff

Rachel said...

That sounds like fun--I might have to do that with Stan's keys!

I hope it's ok that I found my way to your (and Katie's) blog.