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Monday, April 28, 2008

what can i say?

our bed is comfy. our constant battle with glory has been getting her out of our bed and into her bassinet. after her spending the past week or so with me in bed all night, it dawned on me that if i put one of my regular nightgowns in the bassinet with her, she might sleep in there and feel like shes with me.

SO... its one a.m., glory has been in the bassinet ASLEEP since eleven (personal record) but Elias is camped out with us... wide awake with a ferocious stomach virus. poor guy... this is his second time in a month with this nasty virus going around our community.

pray for miraculous germ control and kids who love to cuddle.


Gore Family said...

I know this is a rocky time in your beautiful lives, but know that I am praying for you and your family daily! Please call me for anything or just to vent!

JandK Walters said...

me too I love you so much and your strength and our conversation yesterday! I miss you! K