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Friday, May 23, 2008

glor's birth story pt.1

I think being around birth this past week has made me really nostalgic about birth stories, and those precious hours. I spent a lot of time detailing & timelining Elias' birth and then writing his birth story, but I never did that for Glory because I figured - simple, planned c-section... but theres some beauty & some funny in there. Unfortunately no one was writing the timeline this go-round & a lot of memory is hazy from drugs, but it's still the way I see it.

Since my first appointment with Dr. Sanford after we moved, she told me she absolutely wouldn't consider a VBAC and so we planned March 14th as Glory's debut. Even though she threatened to come out a few weeks early after a massive workout, she stayed in until that very day. The days leading up to the surgery were really surreal because it was hard to understand that I knew Thursday I wouldn't have a baby & Friday I would. That week we tried to get all the bags packed, the nursery ready, & the bassinet set-up. I wanted to take Elias to the zoo, but thought it would be too expensive so Nick and I took him to the pet store on Wednesday to do something special with just him:).

On Thursday I went to small group as usual... it felt weird to tell all of them, "I have one son named Elias, tomorrow I'll have another - Glory". We were all still sort of meeting & introducing ourselves. We didn't go out to to lunch because I wanted to race back and spend time with Elias and finish Glory's quilt. I did both and around dinner time Elias got REALLY fussy, which made me feel weird & worn-out already. That night, Kalle came to spend the night & we went and picked up my sister. Up to that point, I honestly was just so anticipatory about Katie coming... even driving home from the airport - I just felt the need to pause and catch up with her for a few days, not add more to the mix. We got home around ten pm & Katie was really worn out so we just sort of crashed. I remember debating about whether or not to take my dark nail polish off, but I was so tired - I just passed out.

The next morning I woke up around six-thirty, showered & curled my hair and went to go wake Elias up. I remember telling him what a special day it was and I really enjoyed that last hour with him before we left for the hospital. I kept reminding myself & him that I was giving him the greatest gift I could as a momma. And then it was off to the hospital for Nick and I...

1 comment:

kellybollman said...

I love baby stories. I can't wait to hear the rest. We pulled out the old home videos and watched Christian's & Belle's births this week... wow. I love reliving those days. Belle was laying on me while we watched hears, and I looked down at her huge long legs and her long hair and just marveled. The crazy thing is how familiar they are... Her newborn cry and Christian's newborn cries sounded like, well, themselves. I could go on, but I hopefully will get to see you and Glory in person when Abe arrives! I can't wait! Love you!