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Thursday, June 5, 2008

thank yous

on days like today, when glory is hurting & i am sleep deprived... i owe a few thank yous:
- to my husband for worrying about me from the second i get out of bed
- to Lauren for being a livein friend, assistant, nanny
- to my small group for holding glor and praying over her
- to kel for hearing how sinful & sad my heart is and letting me cry about it
- to our pediatrician for being willing to try anything & everything to help her
- to marilee & Thadd for forgiving us for cancelling again due to crying bebe
- to Elias for being, well.... just the greatest son ever
- to ruby for putting Abe in the shirt I made him and taking a picture of him cord free
- to my mom for interrupting her harbor cruise to hear about glorys latest battery of tests
- and lastly to my little lamb for gaining thirteen ounces in two weeks, being the prettiest crying baby in america, & laughing for the first time... giving me just a glimmer of hope


Amy said...

I'm thinking of you and this sweet angel of a girl. I hope all of her problems get worked out soon. It must be rough on her. Thank goodness she was given a patient and loving mother (dad & brother too) who is there when she needs someone to cry to.

When your gowing through the infant stage it seems so very long (I think it has a lot to do with the sleep deprivation!)... but then again, right around the corner are Wes and Elias. Such independent big boys who are so far out of that stage, it is truely unreal. Sad really.

Amy said...

I CAN NOT believe that I spelled going "gowing" in my above post. Seriously? Geez.

kellycowan said...

love you jess