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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

oh they places you'll puke.

WARNING: do not read the following if you can't handle a little pregnancy puking stories. I figure if I have to live through it, I may as well laugh about it.

  • The other day we had a team of people working at our home, like for a service project. There were a few adults, but mostly middle school aged preteens. Coincidentally, the same morning - all our water was broken which left me without a toilet to puke in. Right after breakfast, I felt it coming on and felt a little panicked - where to puke? WHERE TO PUKE? All of a sudden, I'd waited too long and I burst outside to relieve myself. When I looked up, about six prepubescent teens were staring at me. Nice.
  • I usually stop puking around four or five p.m., which is a nice little gift from the Lord. But two nights ago, at 10:30 pm, I was feeling horrible and trying to ignore it until it overcame me. The only problem is that I was tucked in bed and our toilet is around 15 feet away. I think I actually made it in two large bounds and walked back into our bedroom to hear Nick laughing. So much for "morning" sickness.
  • Today I was at Kelly's with the kids having a nice little playdate. After changing two poopy diapers, I knew my ticket was up. I preemptively made my way to her guest bathroom and did my business. When I made my way back out, I commented on how nice her fall bathroom decorations looked. She said something to the extent of, "Men could never do this!" Now my husband is TOUGH, but yeah - I don't think he could puke & simultaneously admire a friend's decorating.
I know it's gross, but if I don't laugh - I'll just be annoyed!


Amy said...

Awe. The joys of motherhood :)

Kara said...

were you this sick with the first two?

Unknown said...

ah yes i love it. i just remember the sight of a toothbrush would make me hurl. maybe that's why jason didn't kiss me too much??

mouthwash was awesome!

kellybollman said...

oh man! I know it. I'm with ya all the way. I laugh over remembering puking in intersections... pulling over on the interstate - having a 14 mo.-old patting you on the back while puking. Puking at a restaurant and then returning to the table, sad that the yummy food was gone, but ready to try again.

kellycowan said...

ALSO she didn't mention that when she comes out of the bathroom, she looks like she just went in their to spruce up her locks. after i puke i look like i've been crying and i want to fall over. how do you do it jess?