- Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.
- Getting a call from my sister at 2:30am by accident. Anytime is a good time, Ruby. Maybe there's a little bit of sarcasm there.
- An extremely easy trip to the grocery store with both kids. Elias even said 'tais you' to the checkout lady.
- What happens in my head and heart when I rub my face up beside Glory's cheek.
- For having about an hour and half alone to clean our upstairs & work on our Engedi.
- For the banana chocolate bread that Lauren slipped up to me after said hour of cleaning.
- When Elias remember that half of the banana bread was still sitting beside my bed. He was approaching his crib for naptime, stopped dead in his tracks, ran back to my room & grabbed a bite, and then commenced naptime. I couldn't even correct him or stop him.
- That after about sixteen hours in the kitchen this afternoon cooking, Nick saw I was tired and gave me a spontaneous neckrub.
- For our hilarious interview today with a funny little Kenyan girl who tried to convince all of us to stop drinking Diet Coke before we get MS. not kidding.
- For a husband who is more of a time-management freak than even myself, but who will still drop almost anything to hear my heart on an issue or to worry about me.
- For pretty things like quilts & baby tutus.

1 comment:
Since you have visited Etsy, this is a link to Angela's cousin Jenny's shop she just started !
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