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Thursday, November 13, 2008

thankful... you know.

... that my husband is driving me & the kids to small group today since he has a meeting in the area. Chauffeur, nice. 
... for my old small group who gave me a gift certificate to a local spa a few months ago.
... that today I booked a mani, pedi, and haircut to use that gift certificate for TOMORROW! 
... that I figured out what I'm getting my husband for Christmas and I'm SO excited. It's all I can think about! I will NOT tell him, though. 
... that next Wednesday Lauren, Debi, & I are having a planning meeting to talk about Thanksgiving dinner. I'm gonna make some name cards that would make Martha quit her job and make my Mama proud. And I'll set one for Jesus, too, Mom - just to be like you.  
... did I mention I'm getting my hair cut? Oh, did I mention it hasn't seen a pair of scissors since March. I cannot wait. I'm going to have them use the thinning shears for like 45 minutes straight.
... that we're about 2 hours into our first night passy-less. Small victories. 
(I will mention for honesty sake that I caved and gave Elias his passy for 30 minutes today. Can you believe me? I made a big deal about making him throw them all away, but when he woke up early from his nap and his crying threatened to wake up #2, I stuck my spare one right in is mouth. I should be ashamed, but I'm not - it worked.) 
... for salvation. It sounds trite, but man - what would we do without it? What would we do without Jesus? I would be an ax-murderer for sure if it weren't for grace and sanctification.  He just makes everything worth it. 


Jennie said...

Don't forget to take a picture of the new cut!!

inthemiddleoflife said...

it's all about the namecards, you know. the turkey? why that's just a side dish:)
Let's do a blog on The Menu, ok? Katie and I can live vicariously through yours this year since we're both going to the other fams.