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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


A few quick, important items: 

1. Happy Belated Blog Birthday to sweet Marilee!
2. I cannot even talk about the bachelor last night. I was at Mare's bday party in Bellevue and decided to watch a little when I got home. I cried and then cried some more. Nothing in this world has ever made me more thankful for my husband & his view of commitment & love. 

3. Two events I'm planning right now. Our world is rapidly changing - 
for the better & the worse. 

1 comment:

Leigh said...

A. The Bachelor - I am so so so over it. Not even funny.

B. I cannot believe Glory is about to be 1. Crazy how fast time flies.

C. I know you are so sad about Lauren leaving, I so would be too but can I say I am bit excited about her being so close. I mean I already told her that I would drive to Charlotte just to have coffee with her for an hour then drive home. BUT I know it is going to be crazy without her there and that makes my heart hurt a bit for you.

D. I cannot get enough of Glory in the tutu.