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Thursday, October 8, 2009

thankful thursday

This morning my heart feels really quiet & pensive. Lots to think about, lots to pray about - and yet it's a normal day, nothing new on the horizon, no changes... just lots of bubbling stuff all around. So, to sort it out so I'm not stuck in my deep thoughts all day while I'm trying to play princess & cars... here is a quick list off the top of what I'm thankful for.

  • My husband whisking the kids off to the store this morning so I could clean the kitchen. A clean sink will change your whole day, amen?
  • Sweet Benja laying beside me and the weirdo dream I had about him last night, that in one night he grew six man size teeth. Yikes.
  • The women of Mars Hill Bellevue. all of 'em. Do you know what it's like to feel SPURRED ON? My actual accountability group pushes me to be more like Jesus, but just being around those women makes me want to know Him better. Thank you Jesus for ALL of them.
  • Marilee's shower last night and just thinking about the new babies coming soon! Two of my greatest friends here are having babies SOON! I can't wait to hold those sweeties.
  • I'm thankful for my husband. so much.
  • For a new day, another day to spend in this life. I LOVE seasons where nothing changes! these are great! you just get to know everything better & figure it out without adding anything... i like it.
  • Thankful that I think I may be getting my hair groove back. Yesterday, I conceded to the curls and put away the straigtening iron and came out with something that is easy, manageable, and got a few compliments at the baby shower last night:)
  • And, The Office wedding tonight. Enough said.
What are you thankful for today?


Amy said...

oh my goodness, i am thankful for...
my hubs
my babes
my family
my sister in law (who is getting her very own blog post tonight)
the water
the sun
the wind
washing machines

Amy said...

ooooooh, and YOU. of course!

Erin said...

i like thankful thursday.
i'm thankful for:
a sunny autumn
babies with hats on
$15 credenzas from craigslist
husbands that make good coffee
warm boots
good health, oh Lord, good health
and washing machines, too.
and dishwashers.

Frank Gruber said...

Great to see you expressing your thanks as studies show that doing so actually raises your overall level of happiness. With this in mind we recently created an online gratitude journal. We hope to make it a place for millions of people to collectively share their thanks and in the process cultivate the happiest place on the Web. I'd love to have you try it and send us your feedback!



michelle said...

amen to the clean sink, girl! i'm thankful for my husband SO much lately. what WOULD we do without husbands who participate?!

(answer: cry. a lot.)