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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

planning for planning.

So, at the beginning of this year, I'm going to grab a few hours to get away & do some life planning. I'm a big planner - I feel better going into the day with an idea of what needs to happen, so of course, the year feels much less daunting with an outline.

There are GREAT life planning resources on the website and I am noooo expert at this, but since I'm spending lots of time pre-planning and planning for the sake of my sanity, I might as well share it with some of you ladies. If it's helpful, please feel free to use it, edit it, completely change it.

In conjunction, there is a certain passage of scripture that I'm praying to be true in my life this year. You can find it in Isaiah 32:15-18. Overall, I'm praying that the Lord would grow righteousness in me so that I could be a place of peace, quietness, and trust for my family. So, if you see those key words quite a lot, that's why!

So, my plan of attack is to address these things, pray through them, plan, consult with the husband and then implement with TONS of grace. I don't want having a plan to make me crazy if I can't accomplish it and above all things, I want to listen to the Lord - so yeah -

that is the plan for the plan of the plan.

And, yes, I know how crazy that sounds.

Without any further nuttiness....

(2010 planning session)

Major areas to address:

1. personal growth

2. family

3. service/ministry

4. community

Personal Growth

- determine plan for personal Bible reading

- determine who are the people speaking into me/mentoring

- personal health goals


A. Marriage

- outline ways to continue pursuit of being a righteous wife

- determine how to be a place of peace in our marriage

- pray through ways to practice quietness in our marriage

- evaluate how to continue growing into a trustworthy wife

B. Kids

- what are big prayers for each of the kids this year?

- what are my "learning" goals for them (semi-educational)

- plan monthly overview of themes for January - December what I'd like to be teaching them.

(example: doing a fruit of the spirit Febuary-October, thankfulness for November, advent in December)

- health goals for kids (example: E's first dentist appointment, vaccination plans)


- Short term, who are the people I'd like to be serving and how?

- Long term, who are the people I'd like to be serving and how?

- How can I be serving with the kids?

- How can I spur Nick on in his servce for others?


- Who are the women that God has placed in my life for my righteousness?

How am I cultivating those relationships.

- Are my friendships promoting peace?

How can I help my friends lives to be more peaceful?

- What are some steps to take towards being a more trustworthy friend?
Ok friends, I hope that is slightly helpful for someone! If not - I now have a handy place to find it if I lose my notebook. Getting super excited about 2010.
How about you?


brooke turner said...

wow- i love love love this! for the past several years I have taken part of a day at year end as a day of reflection and meditation on what God has done in the prior year, and I think this year I'm going to add on this planning aspect! :)

Pinkie Winkie said...

Helpful? Ummm...Not really. LOL! It's just that this was totally convicting and overwhelming to me since I should be doing the same thing but would rather just go to SeaWorld and watch the dolphins! :)

Jackie said...

Hey lady - I just did this and for what it's worth, one of my big take-aways from the book I was using (Carolyn Mahaney's) was to focus on the biggest one or two areas and pray through a plan of action from there. Maybe that's helpful to you, maybe not!

My list totally overwhelmed me because there are SO many areas I need to work on. :0)