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Thursday, April 29, 2010

blessed in pictures

I was going to write two wordy posts about some blessings in my life.
I think pictures will suffice. Moreover, I think my crazy words might get in the way.

Event #1: my kids. They're not really an event, more like an establishment of blessing right now. I know this is only Benja & Glory, but enjoy nonetheless. I am so thankful for them.

I don't know why he's such a cute poser, he just is.

Event #2: A bunch of our friends came together to pray with us about our upcoming trip to Boston next weekend. Again, my words will muddle this up - but I see God's faithfulness in this so much. I really love my friends and I love how much they love Jesus.

Thank you friends. Thank you Jesus for the family & friends.


Lauren said...

look at benjamin smiling at you in that last one. he really is your boyfriend.

kim said...

I am so sad that we missed this. We had so much going on with Jay's parents being in town and the anniversary at the brewery...Jay had to work. Know that we are praying for your family and this trip!!!
Love you.