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Thursday, January 6, 2011

smooooothie for the rough days

There's not many things I know about in this world, blog. 
I don't know how to parasail or grow a beautiful garden (though I believe that will be a 2012 goal). I don't know how to paint my fingernails without getting bits of dark purple around the edges. I don't know to get my two year old to go to sleep EVER and I certainly don't know how to get straight, smooth silky hair. 

Here's one little tidbit I do know -
if you're having a rough day because the day before you drove seven hours in the car with three toddlers and the smaller two screamed their heads off for the last three hours and you barely got any sleep and your husband woke up with the flu and you weighed yourself and were a little shocked but tried not to care and you never got out of your yoga pants kind of rough day, 
treat yourself. To a nice lunch. 

To be totally honest, I'd say I treat myself to a nice lunch almost every day. 
When those bebes pass out for naptime or at least I subdue them on the couch for an hour, I make myself a real, bonafide LUNCH. Usually a roasted sweet potato, or a black bean & spinach salad, or maybe if I'm feeling froggy I'll heat up a bean burger and feast on some veggie chips and hummus on the side. 
But for particularly rough days, I save this beauty. 
Healthy, beyond delicious, and the super hero green color convinces me that I can make it till 8pm. 

my favorite spinach smoothie
.5 frozen banana
1/2 cup almond milk
few cups of fresh spinach
1/2 cup of canned pumpkin
1/2 apple
1 tbsp your choice nut butter
a few small pieces of dark chocolate
ice, if you so desire. 

It might seem kooky, but please for the love of all things delicious and wholesome - go with it. Just once.  There is so much goodness in there, you'll feel better by mid-afternoon. And if you don't, I suggest a second one at dinnertime. Or a roasted sweet potato. 
What's your fave smoothie, friend? 

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