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Friday, March 18, 2011

friday favorites

It's been a good week, huh? 
The Connolly's are still buried under boxes so the best I can give you today is some lists. 
My favorites of this whole sweet/hard week. 

favorite family moments:
- Gloriana Eloise Connolly turned three. When she ran out here on her birthday morning and I grabbed her up and told her Happy Birthday, she said, "Oh! Happy Birthday to you, too, Mom!". Then by like 8am, she was over her birthday. She kept telling us her birthday was over & it was Benja's turn. 
- This week, Benja began saying "I'm sorry" and "yes ma'am". Woosh. Those come in handy. 
- Last night, we had a little family fun night out and Elias kept telling us he had a new "hypothesis". Thank you, Dinosaur Train on PBS. Thank you. 
- After our family dinner date - Nick pointed out, "hey - we just went to dinner & coffee with our kids. there was a long time where we never thought that would be possible." He was totally right. In the first few months of having three so close together, I would have laughed at you if you'd told me we'd be able to walk our children four blocks to a restaurant and back and then stop for coffee on the way home. God is good! Children grow!
- Our "dinner date" was a fundraising dinner to help fund getting Leigh & Gray Ladd's son home from Ethiopia. I got to see some sweet pictures of him & it's just such a blessing to be able to support them in any way we can. 

favorite pictures: 
i found my coffee mugs
bday girl & me
favorite things I've found in our seattle boxes:
- jeans from many moons ago that fit. 
- a ticket stub from going to see a Twilight movie with my lady peeps. 
- some lipgloss one of my bffs Annie gave me. 
- yoga mat! yoga mat! yoga mat! My sweet friend, Marisa, gave me a beautiful new yoga mat right before I moved and I have missed it so much. I pulled it out of the boxes before the movers even left and carried it around the house with me. 
- the coffee cups, of course. 
- our throw pillows. I didn't realize how un-at-home I felt without my throw pillows. 

favorite verses that have been messing me up this week: 
- Mark 6:7-13  Made me feel so weighty about all of our calls as disciples of Jesus, but specifically for those of us in vocational ministry. I started work on some scripture/word/art to frame in our house of this verse because I don't want to forget it for one day. 

-Mark 8:21. Jesus asks the disciples, "Do you not yet understand?" and I just identified so much with their lack of understanding. I want the Lord to point out all the things I still don't understand!
- and still in Mark, Mark 8:22-26. The account of Jesus healing the blind man. I just don't want to forget how beautiful it is that Jesus heals and did heal. I felt convicted reading this, that I'm not sure I've ever told the kids (not read to them, just told them) about Jesus' healing. I want them to hear that (and so many other things about Him) directly from me. 

favorite blog things: 
- I got so many emails from people wanting to help out with/excited about the one percent changes project. I'm so pumped to see what the Lord is doing there! I was browsing blogs last night and saw someone I didn't know had put the button up and I almost cried a little.
- Wasn't Glor the cutest on that vlog? I may need to do another one because honestly, I'm not that snarky in person. It just turned on for some reason. And I was, for real, bloated:). Please email/facebook/twitter my husband and pressure him into doing one with me. Or my sister. I'm no solo artist. 
- So encouraged that ya'll were encouraged by yesterday's post. I'll keep keeping it real, if we can all promise to keep looking to Him for goodness and grace. 
- Have you checked out all the sponsors over there to the right? ----------> I'm going to start talking about them more often, but here is one suggestion for today. Check out my the Twenty Six Vintage Etsy shop over there for some amazing vintage clothes this weekend. Just don't buy this dress that I'm saving up for. No, it's ok - buy it if you want to, but can I borrow it sometime? 
- And lastly (but not leastly) I know a lot of people were blessed by Kelly's post last Saturday. I think she has some more coming for us this week. And I think I might get to see Kelly in person this weekend! Don't be jeal, do read her new post. 

Happy Weekend ya'll. 
Love you! 
(too soon? meh... who cares)

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