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Thursday, April 21, 2011

best thing on the internet?

Am I about to point you to the best thing on the internet? Definitely one of the best. 
(among foodgawker and faithblogs)

Danielle Burkleo is one of my favorite online-turned-real-life-even-though-we-haven't-met-yet-friends. I actually love her. I love to skype with her and email her and I can't wait to hug her one day. She loves Jesus, is BEAUTIFUL, and her blog makes me smile each time I visit it. 

Today is her birthday and she has the most amazing giveaway I've ever seen. 
Amazing because the INCREDIBLE loot she's got posted there and AMAZING because of how she asks you to enter. No tweeting, facebook posts, crazy questions - just buy a book for kids in the PICU and get an entry. Buy as many books as possible, get as many entries as possible. 

She's teamed up with Joyful Life Library, a project that gets books to sick kids in the hospital. This is incredibly encouraging to our family, since our recent PICU stay was made so much more blessed by the fact that our daughter thought she was actually on vacation because she was surrounded by such amazing toys and books. I know all kids don't have such amazing facilities and I LOVE the idea of being able to provide that. 

Check out her blog for all the details. 
Buy books, tell her happy birthday, and enter the giveaway.
Happy Thursday friends! 

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