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Monday, April 4, 2011

waiting & thank you.

just one of the lists I'm making for Gloriana to show her all the people who lifted her up
Lately, I've been telling Glory "patience is waiting with a happy heart". 

Right now we're waiting for Glory to go to her MRI, then we'll wait for her to get done with her MRI, then we'll wait for her to wake up, and then we'll wait to hopefully hear some miraculous news.

 (updated: by the time I finished typing, she was OUT of her MRI - sleeping peacefully)

I'm trying to wait with a happy heart. 
Here are the things I'm praising the Lord for. 
- My sweet girl. Each time I rub my hand on her face, or pat her hand, or see her foot twitch, I'm beyond thankful yesterday wasn't more traumatic, more awful than it was. In honesty, it was more filled with grace than it was awful. I'm so thankful for each sweet day we've had with her, and for each miraculous day He's going to bless us with in the future. 
- I'm praising God for the internet. I love the internet ANYHOW, but I love it fifty times more this week. I'm making lists for Glor of all the people showing her love, emails, texts, phone calls, facebook messages, tweets, etc. I'm more THAN thankful for you and she's going to feel so thankful too when she knows you were all praying for her. How much glory is the Lord getting from all these people calling out to Him? So much. We feel so privileged that it's for our little lady. 
- Benja & Elias being happily away at Camp Nonny/Ruby. I just spoke with them, and they sound as happy as possible. I am so proud of my big boys and I cannot wait to see them again. 
- Lastly, I'm praising God for my husband. Even though, supernaturally I'm somehow not battling worry or anxiety too much, I am a bit of a basket case. Nick stood strong (much stronger than I did) through our rough night last night, he's prayed when I've only been able to cry, and he's led me in delighting in the sweet joy that is our daughter for these past two days. Oh to be loved like Glory is loved like her Daddy. And even more so like her Father. And oh goodness, we are. And now I'm crying again. 

Thanks ya'll for EVERYTHING
For the meals, the scripture, the texts & calls, the facebook, the EVERYTHING. 
Thank you. 

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