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Friday, January 20, 2012

a true story: we're moving to Indiana.

A true story

new Indiana print in our house
part one: great grace
Not everyone knows the whole story. Shoot, it’s a long story. And He’s still writing it. I used to hate this story. I struggled to see Him in it. But the best stories are like that, right? Where all at the end, it makes sense. But praise God, we’re not at the end yet. No where near. God called my husband to plant a church in Boston, named Gospel Community, in 2008. We live in Seattle and I wanted to live in Seattle forever. We kept getting delayed with life, delayed with the condition of our hearts, until in the fall of 2010 it seemed time. We packed up, were sent off by a wonderful community and had the intention of stopping in South Carolina for a few weeks of further fundraising and revitalization. We needed the Lord to move big time, but felt Him pushing us forward. A few weeks in, it became apparent that the Lord was not flinging wide the doors to Boston. There were stress and tears and confusion. So much confusion. There were hard talks about depression and about failure and in the midst of it, we got to experience God’s great grace over and over and over again. The same grace we wanted so badly to share with others, we were desperate for. We came to Columbia, a city we swore we’d never live in again, for a friend’s wedding. And then, the doors flung open. He wanted us here. In a holding place. We stayed.

part two: the best and worst year ever
Columbia was rescue and rest and it was also frustrating anticipation. I needed healing from depression. The Lord healed. So now can we go to Boston? No. Glory has her massive seizures. She might be brain damaged. She’s in the ICU. God straight up heals her. Now can we go to Boston? No. We get pregnant. Pregnant! A fourth baby! We lose the baby. God comforts our hearts in a new way. Can we go to Boston now, Lord? Not yet. We need to really have our faith shaken down, once again – do we really believe that this life is only meant for enjoying Him, knowing Him, and making more disciples? Yes, we do. As best we can. Can we go to Boston? Not yet. One day, in July, Nick and I went on a hiking date. We both felt this urgency to pray together, to ask Him for what was next. We both felt like He’d speak to us on the hike. We ran and walked and held hands and moved in quiet. At the end, we both confirmed. Just wait. He was saying to just wait.

part three: out of nowhere
Throughout the year, Nick had talked on and off with another church planter -  a guy in Fort Wayne, Indiana – the pastor of another Gospel Community.  From my eyes, I see them getting to know one another and I see my husband smiling more and he says there might be something there. Some sweet connection. We might be the same church? Great! Can we go to Boston now Lord? Not yet. We skype with him & his wife. I love them. They’re wonderful. A few weeks later, we find out that the holding place is getting shaken up. Our sweet little rescue of a house has been sold and we won’t be the renters. Nick’s contract at his job at up. He asks if I’d ever consider moving Fort Wayne. I say absolutely not. And almost as soon as I say that, I feel the Lord convicting me and quickening me. This isn’t something to say no to. We skype again and this time, I bring it up, I think I just blurted out, “can we come there?!”.
And we did.

my favorite new print

part four: great grace, again.
All five of us pile in a tiny Corolla and drive to Fort Wayne. Before we even reach our sweet new friend’s house, we agree – unless they are serial killers and they don’t want us to come, we’re moving. It feels more right than anything. I think, at best – this is what the Lord wants and it will bring me more joy than I can describe to support my husband. I have no idea how He is about to blow our minds. We love them. Our new precious friends. Our new gospel community. We love the sweet little city. We love the church. We want to be there. To serve with them. To grow with them. To learn from them. And when the time is right, to move on from them and continue growing Gospel Community in Boston. 

So, in two weeks, we're going to move to Fort Wayne, Indiana to serve and be a part of Gospel Community Church. And while it’s random and it was no where in our 3 year plan, it is such an incredible blessing and we are more than thankful to our God who has shown us such great grace. By giving Himself, and by graciously guiding us and growing us in these years, and be moving us along – towards a sweet new gospel community. We'd love your prayers as we pack up everything in the South, say goodbye to friends and family, and get settled in our new community in Fort Wayne.

praying you experience His great grace today. 

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