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Monday, October 29, 2012

a vacation to change your life

A few weeks before the conference started, Nick looked at me earnestly and said, "We're gonna need a vacation after this." I smiled and nodded, assuming he was just wishful thinking until he explained he was really serious and started planning for us to make a little escape. 

We didn't tell a lot of people, we didn't make any plans, we didn't pack till the night before. I didn't get all my work done before we left and our house wasn't spotless when we pulled away from Indiana at 6am on Friday morning, but we went anyhow. Just drove straight on down to South Carolina. To family. To rest. To not-so-restful days of eight grandkids under one roof that still feels somehow super restful and joyful beyond compare. 

If you asked us why we went on vacation, we could give you one of a dozen answers. To rest after such a hard work season, to pray about what the Lord might have next for our family, to get some much needed quality time with our kids, to see our extended family that we miss so much. On and on and on. 

But as we drove on Friday and passed leaves and mountains and various states, I kept thinking - I just want to change my life. I just want Him to change my life. There's a quiet unrest in my heart that has nothing to do with where we live or how much money we have or the car we drive. I don't want a better life, I just want one that is lost in God's will and fame. And I believe in a grace so strong and Father so loving that I have the audacity as a daughter to say to Him - what do you want this to look like? I don't think it's this, right? 

It doesn't have to be a big or flashy or perfect life, but we only get one shot at making much of Him and I want the Father to squeeze every last drop of His glory and will out of us. And so my real reason, if you really asked me and I got really honest - I'm just thankful for a change of pace and scenery to let Him shake it all up. Change it all up. For His glory + good pleasure. 

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Love this!!!!! And I totally agree 110% with how your feeling! Glad you had fun with your family!!!