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Friday, January 25, 2013

scenes from our week.

In an effort to tell more of a true story, here are some scenes from our week. 

- On Monday, I did something that absolutely shocked me. I'm not sure if you've heard, but I'm very very pregnant with what will be our fourth kiddo. And he's a biggun. (Biggun is the southern word meaning husky, large, robust child) Because I have to have a c-section and because I've had so many complications in this pregnancy, we've been looking for the exact right time to have this big boy. My OB has been looking for the perfect window of healthy baby and healthy mama. I went in on Monday and after measuring him, my OB put both hands on my knees and said "You've fought the good fight. You've kept this baby in. I think next week would be the best time to have him, but if you're just DONE - you can have him tomorrow." I must have been feeling super maternal + sacrificial because I said, "ok. Next week it is." So! Sometime next week expect an influx of precious bebe pictures from one very happy mama. 

- After our fateful doctor's appointment, everything this week became "the last time before...". Elias, our ALMOST six year old understands this the best and keeps reminding us of all the things we won't be able to do once the baby is here. I'm so grateful for his sweet understanding heart that is ready to give me rest and respect our "baby days". 

- I am loving, loving, loving doing Soul Detox with SheReadsTruth. We're in the process of writing the next plans but it's been so sweet to take a break from reading things we've written and just soak in God's word with thousands of other women. We'd love to have you join us if you're looking for some women to read the Word with. 

- We got our kids a Wii for Christmas and I cannot believe how much a family builder it's been. On these crazy cold Indiana days (7, seriously 7 degrees!?) when our kids can't go out and play outside, it's so sweet to all gather around and get a little rowdy with some pingpong.  And maybe, just maybe, Nick plays Wii golf to unwind after the kids go to bed. And maybe I texted him three times while he was working in the office the other night to ask him to come play basketball with me. 

- Glory blessed my face off this week. She's never had a super "I want to be like mommy" gene and I'm totally ok with that. But all of a sudden this week, something shifted in her. I've been taking a lot (A LOT = 2 TO 3 A DAY) of hot showers a day to cope with this crazy end of pregnancy pain. I've also been wearing the same combination of clothing. Uggs, yoga pants, tank top, hoodie. All of a sudden the other night, Glory insisted on taking a shower and she's been wearing her little lady uggs and hoodie around the house and pointing out how we look alike:). The phase may totally pass next week, but woosh - it's been sweet these days. 

- Lastly, we're so super excited about the Lent Calendar and how excited Y'ALL are about it. One thing that blessed us so much is seeing so many people buy multiple copies for lots of other families in their life. I love people spurring other people on to make much of the Lord in creative ways. If you haven't grabbed yours, do it soon! Remember, we're only selling them for 2 weeks. 

- We have a weekend full of "last time before baby comes..." and we'll see you sometime next week with a new sweet friend to introduce once we've gotten to know him a little bit ourselves! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! 


carrie beth said...

Loved seeing this glimpse into your life. I love your blog :) I have a 7 week old little boy and he is so very precious! Can't wait to see pictures of your little one!

Emily Morrice said...

True story: this was my favourite post in months! Im so glad you're sharing different things now :) what a fun glimpse!