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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

state of this lady

Because bloggers in general, and this lady in particular, are known for introspection and self awareness - here's a state of this lady address. 

... Coffee has become incredibly important in my world again. 
... Four feels like my favorite number of kids ever. 
... Four often feels like the loudest amount of kids ever:) 
... I think the baby blues are finally over! Hallelujah for less inexplicable tears! 
... I'm back to being really humbled by day to day life. Homeschooling with a newborn, running a creative business with a newborn, making lunch with a newborn. I'm trying to choose not to be STRESSED but to lean into the humility and need for Jesus:) 
... I am in a season of storing. Storing up images in my head of my family. Storing up thoughts for when my fingers have time (and freedom) to type. Storing up memories of a tiny baby resting beside me for the last time. Storing up creative ideas and grand gestures for a new season. And yes, storing up my desire for cookies for cheat days because Nick and I have started our Biggest Loser marital weightloss competition. 

What's going on in your world today, friend? 

1 comment:

Abbie @ Rosewill Arts said...

With a relatively new baby myself, this resonates with me so much! Thanks for sharing your heart.