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Friday, May 17, 2013

our healthy dream | an essential oils giveaway

I'm a dreamer. Nick and I dream on datenights and I dream while I run and I like to ask people about their dreams. For me, it's not always the crazy outrageous stuff - but I just like to hear the commonplace, "this would sure be a sweet life" dreams. For example, for awhile now - I've had a simple dream that our kids would grow up with really comfy beds. Not extravagant. Not expensive. Just a comfy mattress with some sweet clean sheets. I dreamed that they'd look back on their childhood and remember peaceful nights in their beds. 

This kind of dreaming is so good in small doses, because it jars us into reality about taking steps for the simple dreams. I don't want five years to pass by and realize I've been so caught up in the day to day and the big endeavors, that my kids didn't have sweet and simple beds and clean sheets, you know? 

Anyhow - this isn't a post about beds. But it is about a dream that I'm taking baby steps towards. In all honesty, when I dream about ten years from now - I want to be really, really healthy. I don't want to be really, really skinny or worship health - because it's not the end all be all, but I do want to know that I'm stewarding my body well and raising my family in simplest, healthiest way I can. 

Our family has had a windy road to health and wellness. A few years ago, we had a really standard american diet with lots of diet coke and boxed pizza (not that there is ANYTHING wrong with occasional diet coke and boxed pizza) and very little thoughts of health mixed in. Then we went into an intense phase of natural living - gluten free and vegan and making our own soap. Since then, we've been kind of finding our way - what works for us and what doesn't and what matters to us and what isn't so important. And every once in a while, we have to do these little checks to make sure we're on the right path. 

That's where Jodi comes in. I met Jodi through The Influence Conference last year and had an immediate connection with her. Just before Christmas, our family went through a horrible horrible season of sickness. I was having pregnancy complications, we all went through the flu, the stomach flu, multiple colds, and more than our fair share of puking. It seemed like we were always on another antibiotic and I didn't know how to get out of the crazy cycle of sickness. During this season, sweet Jodi emailed me and began to tell me about essential oils. She offered to send me a complete set of the Young Living Everyday Oils completely free, no strings attached, just to bless us. We were skeptical but desperate. 

I toyed with the oils a little before having Cannon, but not much. It wasn't until I came home from the hospital with intense uterine trauma that I got interested and started really asking Jodi questions. I had an abdomen that was bruised and crazy swollen from my complicated c-section. I was in serious pain and doctors and nurses gave me no real solution except to wait for it to heal - possibly six weeks or more. The first night I really tried the oils on my swelling and bruising, I was doubtful and hopeful all at once. I put Panaway and Lavender all over my abdomen and woke up to a stomach that was half the size it was the night before, with most of the major bruising GONE. 

Since then, I've slowly begun to learn more about essential oils and their benefits. I'll be 100% honest and tell you, the husband is still a good bit skeptical, but Jodi recently got him some big legit chemistry books that explain how the oils work and he'll be working his way through in his own time. Now, we're using lemon oil in our water for detoxing our liver and digestion. We're using Thieves for sore throats instead of tylenol. Panaway on sore knees after running. My kiddos are learning to stick their little toes out of their beds every night for their Peace + Calming oil application on their feet. Lavender, Peppermint, even Frankincense on Glory to help protect against seizures. I can't explain intelligently how essential oils work, but I love that we're reaching for oils over our medicine cabinet more often - and feeling more healthy everyday. 

Jodi has been incredibly generous and helpful with us and asked if I wanted to reach out to my readers and give away a set of the Everyday Oils Kit from Young Living, that comes with nine different oils - Lavendar, Thieves, Panaway, Peace and Calming, Peppermint, Valor, Purification, Frankincense, and Lemon. The thing I love about Young Living is that when you get their starter kit - you also become a distributor so you get wholesale prices on oils forever more!  

You can absolutely just enter the giveaway below, but I highly suggest you check out Jodi's site and look through the options of signing up as a distributor if you're at all interested in using oils for the longterm. For us, it's going to be a long road to getting the most out of them - but I am really, really excited to learn and mainly to just gain more knowledge on helping our family be as healthy as possible. 

Excited for the sweet gal who is going to win this package! 
I hope you all have an amazing weekend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also! One other little treat - every Friday for the next month I'll be having a giveaway or promotion of some sort. I'm really excited! Check back in for more from Lisa Leonard, Albion Fit, and more!

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